Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quest out West: Tucson (AKA, Home Tu.0)

After a nearly 3000 mile cross country drive in 5 days, a few stops with old friends and new friends, and some beautiful scenery, I officially made it to Tucson. The first day here was 40F and rain, which just made me feel like I was at home (where it was 30's and wintry mix) but without all the people. It was good for making me realize where I am and why I am here. Leaving a lot of unfinished stuff at home that will consume me upon my return and saying see you later to the fam in a taxing time was difficult, but it all is for a purpose with an unspecified but very exciting 'end-game'.

Lasagna with Macadamia Ricotta
My trip went smoothly, except for the whole training while traveling at first. I barely managed a 45min then 35min ride in my first two days on the road. I fit in a 2 mile run mid-travel from Nashville to Oklahoma City to revitalize the body, which had begun a steady spiral into lethargy and apathy. In OKC I found a group ride with "the old guys" and enjoyed chatting with Alan and company, coffee at Java Dave's, and battling a nasty headwind to get home and on the road at a decent hour - which became a solid threshold interval...for 30 minutes. I had lunch in OKC at Matthew Kenney and was stunned by the glory of (gourmet) raw food.

I drove to Albuquerque (a potential final location before Tucson was finalized) and saw a good friend from college, whom I only found out was living there on my way to OKC one day earlier! He had move in a week ago. I found another group ride with "the old guys" again and learned to echelon properly, given that the road was two-laned and 6-10 of us spread diagonally across a whole lane. There was definitely a bit of instructing given to me, as I tended towards the white line with my east coast white-line riding being so ingrained. I busted out my coffee press that my sis, Lex, got for me and I now have a new love.

I saw one of the most serene open roads ever, Route 26 from Hatch to Deming, NM, and definitely felt the separation from home for the first time on the way out. I hit Starbucks in the 11th state of my quest out west in Wilcox, AZ and arrived safely in Tucson to my new humble abode, which is yet to be dubbed with a name (maybe Humble Adobe, giving it a little pun and southwest spice...and adobe/chipotle is probably my favorite flavor currently :P).

More pictures will be posted of the travels and of my new place once I can settle in, upload photos, and get things organized.
Here is a quick array of my room set up.


  1. Travis, Read both blogs....love your passion, your energy and your purpose! You are living large, in the best way possible. One thing....how is it possible to only drink 1 beer a week?

  2. Dave, glad you enjoyed. As for the beer I will use a quote my Dad used frequently, "Very, very carefully". Basically if that 1 beer is THAT good, it'll be a rare joy and very enjoyable!
